How much do you know about hepatitis?

This condition widely refers to liver inflammation. In Singapore, hepatitis B is the most common variant of the virus. However, only a small number know how severe it can be.

In this article, we have a look at hepatitis and its different forms!
How Does Someone Get Hepatitis?

There are a few reasons for the development of hepatitis, divided into infectious and non-infectious categories. They include:

Certain health conditions
Alcohol intake
Some types of medications
Autoimmune hepatitis (a disease that happens when your body creates antibodies against liver tissue)

The most common cause of hepatitis is a viral infection. For infectious hepatitis, the virus is also usually spread through either contact with blood or bodily fluids, or exposure to the virus in food or water.
Is Hepatitis an STD or a Virus?

While some people may think that hepatitis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it is a virus.
What Are Some Symptoms of Hepatitis?

Chronic types of hepatitis like Hepatitis B and C usually do not present symptoms until the damage has already affected the liver’s abilities.

On the other hand, people who have acute hepatitis usually display symptoms within a short time of contracting the hepatitis virus.

Some of these symptoms are:

Symptoms resembling the flu
Abdominal pain
Sudden and unexplained weight loss
Signs of jaundice, like yellow skin and eyes
Appetite loss
What Are the 5 Main Viral Types of Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is classified into types A, B, C, D, and E. These classifications arise from different inflammation causes.

It is estimated that 354 million people live with hepatitis B and C worldwide.
Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is one of the most common type known. It is named after the the hepatitis A virus (HAV) that causes it, and is also a short-term and acute disease.
Hepatitis B

Like hepatitis A, this is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is typically an ongoing and chronic condition that affects around 257 million people in the world. In fact, it is a global health problem that is also potentially life-threatening.
Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is one of the most frequently occurring long-term bloodborne viral infections.
Hepatitis D

Hepatitis D is a rarely seen type of hepatitis that happens together with hepatitis B infections. This virus also leads to liver inflammation, but it can only be contracted if a person already has hepatitis B.
Hepatitis E

This is a waterborne disease where the cause, the hepatitis E virus, is often found in parts of the world with poor sanitation. It is usually caused by taking in faecal substances that pollutes the water supply.
Can Hepatitis Be Cured?

Treatment for hepatitis depends on the type of virus you have, and whether the virus is acute or long-term.

Hepatitis A: Most of the time, no treatment is needed for this, unless you experience uncomfortable symptoms. You may either need bed rest or a dietary programme, which a doctor in singapore may be able to help with formulating through a telemedicine consultation.
Hepatitis B: There is no known treatment available, but it is necessary to consume antiviral medications that can be expensive.
Hepatitis C: Both acute and chronic types of this virus can be treated with antiviral medications.
Hepatitis D: Although there is a treatment listed for this, it can have severe side effects and is not recommended for those with certain medical conditions.
Hepatitis E: Since this is usually an acute infection, it usually resolves itself on its own, and there is no treatment available.