MBBS(Melb), MRCS A&E(Eding)
GDMH(Mental Health), GDOM(DWD)
我们的医生都是当地的华人全科医生,从医16年, 在各个医疗部门都有丰富的相关经验。 作为一个尽责的医生,我们一直将患者放在第一位,一直追求善美,遵守本分,哪怕超出本分职责,也会尽力做到。
我们早前在澳洲亚墨尔本大学获得医学学士和外科学士,此后也在不同的大学和国家获得研究生学历。比如新加坡国立大学心理健康的文凭, 我们还拥有爱丁堡皇家外科医学院的医学文凭(MRCS A&E)。以及在新加坡获得的医学院会员资格考试。
过后,我们也涉足妇产科,儿童急症,老年医学,成人外科及内科。因此,她能够 在各种环境和领域提供优质的医疗服务和治疗。我们的患者认为她是一位热情,善良,和蔼可亲的医生。都能确保为每一个患者提供优质舒适的医疗服务。
Every patient can expect to feel like a welcomed family member whenever they meet us, whether for the first time or for subsequent visits. We also communicate in excellent English, Mandarin and dialect, allowing us to break language barriers with majority of our patients.
To ensure that we keep up with medical advancements and stays ahead, we have also consistently attended conferences, seminars and workshops. They include the Advanced Emergency Airway Management workshop at SGH, ECG reading workshop, and participation in the SEMS Annual Scientific Meeting.
These medical events have served as channels for us to learn new things, discover groundbreaking methods and converse with other like-minded professionals and gain invaluable insights to further our expertise.
Others have helped boost our skillsets and polished our abilities as a competent healthcare provider.
We find opportunities to contribute to the medical community wherever possible and offer us invaluable knowledge to both colleagues in the field and the people. In fact, we have also published a research publication together with other medical experts in the O&G field.
We are not simply a doctor, but a compassionate and committed person who endeavours to do everything we can to help and better the lives of our patients.

新加坡中央医院医疗 | 2003年1月 – 2003年5月 |
新加坡中央医院外科 | 2003年5月 – 2003年9月 |
竹脚妇幼医院 | 2003年9月 – 2004年1月 |
竹脚妇幼医院 | 2004年5月 – 2004年10月 |
陈笃生医院急诊部 | 2004年11月 – 2005年4月 |
新加坡国家心脏中心 | 2005年5月 – 2005年10月 |
竹脚妇幼医院急诊部 | 2005年11月 – 2006年4月 |
新加坡樟宜医院外科 | 2006年5月 – 2006年10月 |
陈笃生医院急诊部 | 2006年11月 – 2007年10月 |
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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.
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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomized words which don’t look even believable. There are many variations of passages.

Dr. john Martin
Cancer ResearchThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomized words which don’t look even believable. There are many variations of passages.

Dr. john Martin
Cancer ResearchThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomized words which don’t look even believable. There are many variations of passages.